Aug 18, 2011 | By Tracey Allison Planinz

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Proper Dosage for Catuaba Bark Herb

Catuaba bark is an herb native to Brazil and other tropical regions of South America. Indigenous peoples of the Amazon used catuaba bark tea to treat a variety of conditions, including dementia, anxiety and nervousness, insomnia and hypertension. Although it is in the same family as the plant used to make cocaine, it does not have the same chemical properties as that drug. It has been found to enhance libido, relieve pain and fatigue, control nervousness, improve memory and even combat depression.

Proper dosage

Step 1

To enhance libido, take 2-3 ml of a standard tincture or 1-3 cups of herbal tea daily. This can be taken as often as needed. This is by far the most popular use of catuaba bark. There are no known adverse effects, although the Raintree Tropical Plant Database notes that some have reported erotic dreams while taking catuaba bark.

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Step 2

To calm the nervous system, take 2-3 ml of a standard tincture or 1-3 cups of herbal tea daily. It is best taken on an empty stomach, and can be taken as long as needed. Researchers at Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) in Brazil found that catuaba bark extract protects nerve cells and the nervous system. It is a natural nervine and may even provide an alternative treatment for Parkinson's disease.

Step 3

To alleviate depression, emotional stress and insomnia, take 2-3 ml of a standard tincture or 1-3 cups of herbal tea daily. One study by the Department of Pharmacology, Center of Biological Sciences, at the University of Santa Catarina in Brazil reported catuaba bark extract had antidepressant effects on rodents, producing both serotonin and dopamine in laboratory trials. Serotonin is known as the "feel good" hormone, and helps to regulate sleep cycles.

Step 4

As a tonic to strengthen all body systems, take 2-3 ml of a standard tincture or 1-3 cups of herbal tea daily. Some research suggests that catuaba extract may boost the immune system. In one Japanese study, by Horiuchi Itaro & Co., catuaba was able to inhibit the growth of HIV as well as E. coli and staphylococcus bacteria.

Step 5

To combat dementia and Alzheimer's disease, take 2-3 ml of a standard tincture or 1-3 cups of herbal tea daily. According to the Raintree Database, fighting dementia is another one of catuaba's many healing properties. It may help combat memory loss and protect against Alzheimer's disease.

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'Ya Allah, sekiranya rezeki kami berada di langit, maka turunkanlah ia; jika ia ada di bumi, keluarkanlah ia; dan jika ia ada di dalam lautan, munculkanlah. Sekiranya rezeki kami ada di tempat yang jauh, dekatkanlah ia; jika ia sedikit, banyakkanlah ia; dan jika caranya sukar untuk sampai kepada kami, mudahkanlah ia, serta pindahkanlah rezeki tersebut kepada kami dengan kemuliaan, kepemurahan dan kebaikanMu, dengan rahmatMu, wahai Yang Maha Pengasihi diantara yang pengasih..'

Tetap Wangi!